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Linda Lees

Lead Consultant


My Story

My story is a little different than most! The weekend started with my plans to attend the You Go Girl Expo in Sioux City, Iowa.  I was thinking about a new business venture.  The morning of the expo I woke up and thought to myself "I want to sell Scenty Wckless candles and products!"  I've always been a little shy and I thought that selling a product I loved would be a great way to help get me out of my shell!I went to the expo with a friend. I saw some people that I knew and asked them some questions about why they liked Scentsy.  They all agreed that Scentsy products have great quality and are reasonably priced!  At the expo, Marcy Wall had a Scentsy display and I told her I might be interested in selling Scentsy.  She took my name and number.When Marcy called me, I booked my first Scentsy party where I sold $235 worth of products!  Since then, I've had a book party, a house party and have booked several other parties!  I am on my way!  I am an independent Scentsy dealer!I look forward to meeting you and booking your party!  The parties are fun and people love the products!  It's a great way to get your friends together, check out fun new products and earn free items.Call or email me today!  We can start your Scentsy journey together!

What's warming in my home